Appositive Me

Me? Yeah, this is my bathrobe (because I am so way more productive in my bathrobe than I am actually in proper "daytime" clothes), sipping peppermint hot chocolate from a mug that says "Knitting keeps me from unraveling," and eating brown sugar cinnamon Poptarts cold from the package. Typing a new first post for a blog domain I've had for almost five years.

Me? Yeah, I'm a word-nerd so my blog title is word play. An appositive* is a word or phrase that renames another one right next to it. For example: Allison, author of this blog, is telling you why she named her blog "Appositive Me." This blog is about who I am, who I was, who I hope to become. Allison, word-nerd, mother, Mormon (LDS), knitter, and chronic pain survivor, are all things I am. The play on words is about being positive and finding the positive in the life I've been given. 

Like I said, this blog domain has been sitting with unpublished posts for almost five years. I've thought about blogging my life with chronic pain before, but it never fully took root – I've got three unpublished posts here, twenty published posts there, sixteen more over there... Yesterday, though, I was at a fantastic Relief Society conference for my city and my discussions after and 2am insomnia inspired me to brush off my blog again (though I'm not sure that taking the advice of my 2am insomnia is a good thing... 😉)

This blog is going to be life – the ups and downs, the funny and sad, the painful and the good. You'll find that I over use parenthetical statements and ellipses, that I have a constant soundtrack in my head and have a song or movie quote for just about everything, and hopefully that I'm just a real person sharing her story.

*"Is it Latin?" "Yes." "Is it Latin for worst game ever invented?" --The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.  Wikipedia calls apposition it a "figure of disorder," which tickles me.


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